Fluke Calibration Blog
Calibration Equipment & Standards and Calibration Software
2月 28, 2020
One of the qualities of Fluke Calibration test and measurement equipment is excellent longevity. With regular care and maintenance, Fluke calibrators can last for many years and become staples of the calibration lab. Moreover, many of our customers pride themselves on their ability to repair older equipment, making Fluke Calibration products assets that provide a return on investment for decades.
When we say a calibrator is “end of life” or "end of service" it can be easy to assume we mean any...
2月 11, 2020
MET/CONNECT Calibration Integration Software
MET/CONNECT, our new calibration management software API, allows you to use MET/CAL software without an asset management application. In other words, you no longer need MET/TEAM Test Equipment Asset Management Software to run MET/CAL if you already use a different asset manager or if an alternative solution better fits your requirements. We’re partnering with other calibration asset management software vendors so you can use MET/CAL as you want to,...
10月 01, 2019
How often should you calibrate?
The question isn’t whether to calibrate, it’s how often to? There is no “one size fits all” answer. In most cases the requirements vary depending on application, QA requirements, industry standards, performance, or safety regulations. Calibration is often the key to negating a recall, out-of-tolerance condition, or potential safety concern.
There are a few possible points to consider when reviewing calibration frequencies to help you decide what is best for your...
7月 11, 2019
Dry-block calibrators vs. temperature baths: (left) portable temperature bath, (middle) hand-held dry-block calibrator, (right) standard temperature bath
Temperature sensors are typically calibrated by placing them in a stable temperature source and comparing their output to the output of a calibrated reference. Two common sources are dry-block calibrators and temperature baths, but which is right for you? Let’s start our dry-block calibrator vs. temperature bath analysis by defining each....
5月 28, 2019
Fluke Calibration engineering fleet spans the globe, several generations, and numerous disciplines: covering both calibration and engineering disciplines. When the 8588A 8.5-digit Reference Multimeter and the 8558A 8.5-digit Multimeter launched, one engineer on the project humbly stated those advances were “simply clever engineering.”
What is innovation if not clever engineering that is directed towards solving customer problems?
Solving tough engineering challenges is what engineers do. It’s...
5月 15, 2019
Choosing a calibration management software application requires careful investigation. Here’s a checklist of criteria to keep in mind.
Does the calibration management software automate your calibrators?
Does it automate your devices under test?
Are calibration procedures available or can you create them easily?
Does the manufacturer offer training?
Does the manufacturer offer support? What kinds of support?
Knowledge base
User groups
Bulletin boards/user forums
Does the...
4月 17, 2019
The best/proper method to clean your infrared calibrator target
The black body paint on the target of your infrared calibrator is very delicate. To remove the dust or debris from the paint, the only thing you can do is use compressed dry air. The dry air must have no oil and no water in the line or hose. Use a filter on an air hose to remove the oil and an air dryer to remove the water. Have the compressed air set to about 100 psi.
Some items like compressed air in a can will contain a...
4月 16, 2019
If you are calibrating a medium to high accuracy RTD, you will probably use the characterization method of calibration. Characterization is the type of calibration in which the device under test (DUT) resistance is determined at several temperature points and the data are fitted to a mathematical expression.
To calibrate an RTD, perform these steps:
Place the reference probe and the DUTs in the temperature source. Make sure they are all placed as close together as possible, in a radial...
4月 15, 2019
What knocks a digital instrument “out of calibration?”
Three common causes of calibration problems are:
Component shift. First, the major components of test instruments (for example, voltage references, input dividers, current shunts) can simply shift over time. This shifting is minor and usually harmless if you keep a good calibration schedule; this shifting is typically what calibration finds and corrects.
Drops. Suppose you drop a current clamp — hard. How do you know that clamp will...
4月 12, 2019
Why Technicians Calibrate at the Bench -
Technicians calibrate at the bench to ensure calibrations are effective and don’t result in degradation of performance. They ensure that all components are in good working order prior to installation, and can evaluate them when component failure is suspected. The bench provides a stable ambient environment for calibration, an opportunity to use the most accurate equipment, and protection from factory conditions during the commissioning, testing,...