您想第一时间了解福禄克计量校准部的新产品信息吗? 请点击以下的相关产品链接查看详情:
5560A、5550A 和 5540A Multi-Product Calibrator多产品校准器
Fluke 多产品多功能校准器提供全方位的工作负荷覆盖,从台式万用表到现场仪器和移动式仪器均可校准。
MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software
Integrate MET/CAL® Calibration Management Software to your workflow with MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software. Flexibility achieved. Learn more.
MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software
Integrate MET/CAL® Calibration Management Software to your workflow with MET/CONNECT™ Calibration Integration Software. Flexibility achieved. Learn more.
Fluke 729 自动压力校验仪
The Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator has been designed specifically with process technicians in mind to simplify the pressure calibration process and provide faster, more accurate test results.
6109A / 7109A 便携式校准恒温槽
福禄克计量校准推出的6109A和7109A便携式校准恒温槽与市面上许多恒温槽相比,系统准确度提高了两倍,能在更短的时间内校准更多的卫生型传感器,工作效率提高四倍。用户可以将4支卡箍式卫生型传感器同时置于恒温槽中进行校准,温度显示准确度达± 0.1 °C。对于小法兰或没有法兰的卫生型热电阻,校准效率甚至更高。
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